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DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE • Public Health Service • National Institutes of Health 

200 YEARS 

of American Medicine 
(1776 - 1976) 


8600 Rockville Pike 
Bethesda, Md. 20014 


Title page from Dr. John Jones' Plain 
Concise Practical Remarks on the 
Treatment of Wounds and Fractures, 
1775. This was the first full-length 
medical book written by an American 
and published in this country. 

200 YEARS 
of American Medicine 

(1776 -1976) 

In recognition of the nation's bicentennial, the 
National Library of Medicine is presenting an 
exhibit honoring selected American achievements 
in medical science and practice and outlining the 
development of medical education, medical 
literature, and public health in the United States. 
Themes of the exhibit are described in the following 


Public Health Service 
National Institutes of Health 

DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 76-1069 

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and the Revolution 

Many American physicians played an 
important role, both politically and 
professionally, in the winning of American 

A decade in advance, John Morgan 
expressed the feelings of many young men 
when in 1766 he warned against oppression of 
American liberties. Morgan later became 
Director General of the medical department 
of the Continental Army. Joseph Warren of 
Boston was a leading figure in patriotic circles 
that included Samuel Adams and John 
Hancock. He was killed at the Battle of Bunker 
Hill. Benjamin Rush, one of the most 
prominent American physicians of his day 
and three other physicians signed the 
Declaration of Independence. Immigrants, 
like Bodo Otto from Germany, and young 
men later to become leaders of the 
profession, like James Thacher and James 

Tilton, also supported the American cause. 

Regrettably, the colonies' leading 
physicians were often a quarrelsome lot, and 
the history of their service is marred by the 
bitter feud between Morgan and his 
successor William Shippen. Nevertheless, 
Morgan and Rush found time to issue 
pamphlets on military medical problems, 
while others issued more substantial works 
like John Jones on military surgery and 
William Brown's pharmacopoeia. 

Two major European nations were also 
active in the fighting; our ally France and our 
enemy England. Both had comparatively well 
developed military medical services, the 
French under their distinguished physician- 
in-chief, Jean Francois Coste. British accounts 
suggest that their record for maintaining the 
health of the troops was considerably in 
advance of the Americans'. 

On the preceding page is reproduced a letter from 
George Washington to "The Honorable Joseph Jones 
Esq. of Congress at Philadelphia." The original is in the 
collection of the National Library of Medicine's History of 
Medicine Division. The text follows. 

Head Quarters Sep. 9th, 1780 

Dear Sir: 

I have heard that a new arrangement is about to take 
place in the Medical Department, and that it is likely, it 
will be a good deal curtailed with respect to its present 

Who will be the persons generally employed I am not 
informed, nor do I wish to know; however I will mention 

to you, that I think Doctors Craik and Cochran from their 
services, abilities and experience, and their close 
attention, have the strictest claim to their country's 
notice, and to be among the first officers in the 

There are many other deserving characters in the 
medical I ine of the army, but the reasons for my 
mentioning the above gentlemen are, that I have the 
highest opinion of them, and have had it hinted to me 
that the new arrangement might possibly be influenced 
by a spirit of party out of doors [i.e., partisan politics], 
which would not operate in their favor. I will add no more 
than that I am 

With the most perfect respect 
Dear Sir 
Your most obedient servant 
C. Washington 

Medical Education 

With the achievement of political 
independence, Americans still had far to go to 
reach an equal degree of intellectual and 
cultural independence. Still heavily 
dependent on Europe, American physicians 
had made only slight beginnings in the 
development of American institutions. One 
of the first needs was the capability of 
educating physicians in our own country. 

Before the Revolution, practitioners were 
trained chiefly by apprenticeship; a few who 
could afford the time and expense traveled 
abroad for further education. In 1765, John 
Morgan and William Shippen of Philadelphia, 
both graduates of Edinburgh, founded the 
first medical school in the country, now part 
of the University of Pennsylvania. Additional 
medical schools were founded at Kings 
College (now Columbia University) in 1768 
and at Harvard in 1783. In the 19th century, 
however, groups of physicians throughout 
the country began founding small proprietary 
medical colleges, dividing among themselves 
the lectures and student fees. Entrance and 
graduation requirements were sufficiently 
low to insure a steady income. Laboratory and 
clinical facilities were woefully inadequate. 
Large numbers of poorly trained physicians 
were released to practice on the public. 

As a result, the abler and more ambitious 
students continued going to Europe. Early in 
the 19th century Paris hospitals were the 
major attraction; after the Civil War, 
Americans flocked to Austrian and German 
universities, some to learn a clinical specialty, 
others the basic sciences. As increasing 
numbers returned with an awareness of good 


teaching and above all of the possibility of 
transforming both teaching and practice 
through close association with research, 
scientific medicine began to evolve in this 

Reforms were also being instituted by 
educational leaders from outside the medical 
profession. In the 1870s President Charles 
Eliot of Harvard introduced a graded 
curriculum into the medical school, 
lengthened the course from two to three 
years, elevated the entrance requirements, 
and substituted part-time salaries paid by the 
university for direct payment from student 

Under the educational leadership of Daniel 
Coit Gilman, the new Johns Hopkins 
University in Baltimore emphasized graduate 
education in research. The medical school, 
opening in 1893, was conceived as part of the 
university and closely integrated with the 
Johns Hopkins Hospital. In addition to 
upgrading undergraduate medical 
education, the Hopkins originated the 
residency training system. 

Public and professional concern for 
medical education culminated in a survey of 
all the medical schools by Abraham Flexner 
under the auspices of the AMA Council on 
Medical Education and the Carnegie 
Foundation for the Advancement of 
Teaching. His report, Medical Education in 
the United States and Canada (1910), had 
immediate and far-reaching impact. There 
were then 131 medical schools in the United 
States, most of them proprietary. By 1920, 46 
had closed or were absorbed by stronger 
institutions. Others were strengthened by 
merger, by university affiliation, and by the 
infusion of support from private foundations 
and state governments. 

By the 1920s the four years of medical 
school were compartmentalized into two 
years of basic sciences taught by discipline 
and two years of clinical training. Since the 
1950s increasing emphasis has been placed on 
teaching basic concepts in a program planned 
by interdisciplinary subject committees and 
tailored, in part, to the individual student's 

An important factor in recent changes is 
the growth of federal support for medical 
research, mostly in medical schools, from $27 
million in 1947 to $1.4 billion in 1966. In 1968- 
69 approximately one third of faculty salaries 
were paid from federal sources. The impact of 
this federal support was generally favorable 
although some critics claim that 
concentration on research has diverted 
faculties from their primary mission of 
developing physicians. The present decrease 
in federal support, the abundance of 
specialists, and the shortage of primary-care 
physicians seem to assure continuing 
modifications in American medical 

Abraham Flexner (1866-1959) 

William H. Welch (1850-1934) 

Medical Literature 

Closely linked to the development of 
medical education, and equally important for 
the advance of medicine in this country, was 
the growth of suitable means for recording 
and disseminating new medical ideas and 

The first purely medical publication in this 
country was a broadside by the Reverend 
Thomas Thacher, A Brief Rule to Guide the 
Common People of New-England How to 
Order Themselves and Theirs in the Small 
Pocks or Measels, Boston, 1678. Most colonial 
medical publications were pamphlets. 
Physicians who wished to publish scientific 
observations generally submitted them to an 
English journal. 

The first American medical journal, The 
Medical Respository, was started in New York 
in 1797. In the half century following, the 
number gradually grew. Monographs also 
appeared in increasing profusion, although 
most of the best ones were reprints and 
translations of books published abroad. In 
1848 the Committee on Medical Literature of 
the AMA, chaired by Oliver Wendell Holmes, 
identified twenty American medical journals. 
With rare exceptions, such as the American 

Journal of the Medical Sciences, the 
Committee found them wanting and stressed 
the need for more conscientious editing and 
the elimination of unworthy articles and 
parasitical authorship. Similar criticisms were 
leveled at monographs. 

The quality of American medical literature 
markedly improved with the growth of 
scientific medicine in the late 19th century. As 
physicians returned from graduate training in 
Austria and Germany, their reports of clinical 
and laboratory research upgraded existing 
journals and created a need for new ones 
devoted to the specialties. One of the earliest 
was the Journal of Experimental Medicine, 
established in 1896. 

In the 20th century the tables turned. 
American texts are translated into foreign 
languages. The number of journals of 
biomedical interest has grown in 100 years 
from less than 50 to more than 700. 
Improvements in medical education, the 
growth of medical specialties, and the 
continuing expansion of basic research have 
placed the American medical literature in a 
position of primary world importance. 

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Public Health 

In the application of medical knowledge, 
public health organizations have played a 
vital role in improving the health of the 

Most early public health activities were 
conducted on a part-time basis at city, town, 
and village levels. However, in 1850 Lemuel 
Shattuck urged Massachusetts to form a state 
board of health to encourage and coordinate 
local efforts. When finally established in 1869, 
the Massachusetts State Board of Health 
became the model for other state health 

By mid-century also, recurring cholera and 
yellow fever epidemics indicated a need for 
coordinating sanitary measures among the 
states. The National Board of Health, 
established in 1879, was an early effort to 
provide the Federal Government with on- 
going professional advice on these and other 
health matters, but its ambitions for an 
extensive national health role were 
premature. Such a role eventually fell to the 

United States Public Health Service after a 
gradual evolution. 

Under the Art for the Relief of Sick and 
Disabled Seamen passed in 1798, a chain of 
marine hospitals at inland and coastal ports 
gradually emerged under the loose direction 
of the Treasury Department. In 1871 the 
Department brought them under the 
centralized control of a Supervising Surgeon, 
later renamed the Surgeon General. The 
Marine Hospital Service thus created 
gradually took over quarantine 
administration, the control of vaccines, 
epidemiological investigation, and other 
health-related functions. By 1912theagency's 
growing scope was reflected in its present 
name, the Public Health Service. During the 
1930s the Hygienic Laboratory, an outgrowth 
of bacteriological studies conducted during 
the mid-1880s by Joseph J. Kinyoun at the 
Marine Hospital on Staten Island, becamethe 
National Institute of Health, located at 
Bethesda, Maryland. 

Supplementing governmental efforts, 
laymen and physicians have organized to 
promote research, education, legislation, and 
improved methods. The American Public 
Health Association and other professional 
societies were established in the 1870s and 
later. The Pennsylvania Society for the 
Prevention of Tuberculosis, established in 
1892, provided the model for other voluntary 
associations aimed at this and other specific 

health problems. Similarly, wealthy 
individuals have supported public health 
through the Russell Sage, Kellogg, Milbank 
and other foundations. The Rockefeller 
Sanitary Commission carried out a far- 
reaching anti-hookworm campaign in the 
South from 1909-1914. The Rockefeller 
Foundation has supported sanitary work in 
foreign countries and financed the first 
American schools of public health. 

Another area of public health concern for 
at least 150 years has been the improvement 
and expansion of vital statistics. Even before 
the Civil War, the American Medical 
Association and others promoted state 
registration and the federal census began 
collecting vital statistics. Following 
improvements introduced by John Shaw 
Billings in 1880 and 1890, a permanent Census 
Bureau was created in 1902. 

As mid-19th century statistics showed the 
correlation of high mortality rates with filthy 
conditions, the specialty of sanitary 
engineering emerged after the Civil War to 
help provide adequate sewer and water 
systems, and to organize urban street 
cleaning and garbage removal. George E. 
Waring, a pioneer in this field, dramatized 
public sanitation by putting New York's street 
cleaners into white uniforms, thus earning 
them the sobriquet of "white wings." 

After 1880 bacteriology transformed public 
health activity. Particularly important pioneer 
applications were made by scientists of the 
Army and the Department of Agriculture and 
by health officials in Rhode Island, Michigan, 
and New York. Scientific Bulletin No. 7 of the 
New York City bacteriological laboratory 
marked the beginning of laboratory diagnosis 
as a routine procedure in the control of 
infectious diseases. 

Preventive medicine goes back to the 
introduction of smallpox innoculation by 
Cotton Mather and Zabdiel Boylston in 
Boston in 1721. After 1800 it was replaced by 
the more effective and less dangerous 
Jennerian vaccination. With the development 
of bacteriology, European discoveries such as 
Pasteur's rabies treatment, diphtheria 
antitoxin, and typhoid vaccination were 
quickly introduced into the United States. 
Thereafter, progress in immunology was 

slow; by World War 1 1 it was overshadowed by 
new drugs, especially penicillin. The 
introduction of polio vaccine in the 1950s, 
following a massive research effort, was thus a 
thrilling public and scientific event. Recent 
decades have also seen important progress in 
immunization against influenza, measles, 
allergies, and other diseases. 

Other public health specialties have also 
developed. Although Benjamin M'Cready 
had made a general survey of the health 
factors in different American occupations as 
early as 1837, Alice Hamilton still felt in 1910 
that she was entering industrial medicine "as 
a pioneer into a new, unexplored field." 
Dental public health has also come of age, its 
most notable achievement, albeit a highly 
controversial one in some communities, 
being the fluoridation of public water 
supplies to reduce dental caries. 

Alice Hamilton (1869-1970) 

Scientific Contributions 

Changes in medical education and the growth of medical literature formed essential institutional 
bases for the increasing number of contributions to knowledge by American physicians, scientists, 
and other health professionals and for their increasing ability to care for their patients. A few have 
been selected by way of illustration; many others are equally deserving. 

— J. Marion Simms (1813-1883), for contributions to gynecology. 

— William T. G. Morton (1819-1868), for surgical anesthesia. 

— S. Weir Mitchell (1829-1914), for work in clinical neurology. 

— Joseph Leidy (1823-1891), for contributions to paleontology. 

— Abraham Jacobi (1830-1919), for establishing pediatrics as a specialty. 

— Joseph J. Woodward (1833-1884), for contributions to microscopy and photomicrography. 

— Mary Adelaide Nutting (1858-1948), for raising the standards of nursing. 

— Harvey W. Wiley (1844-1930), for his campaigns against food adulteration. 

— William H. Welch (1850-1934), for his major role in introducing scientificmedicinetothe U.S. 

— John J. Abel (1857-1938), for the isolation of epinephrine andearly studies in plasmapheresis. 

— Theobold H. Smith (1859-1934), for demonstrating the tick transmission of Texas cattle fever. 

— Walter Reed (1851-1902), for studies on yellow fever. 

— Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945), for the chromosome theory. 

— Charles Wardell Stiles (1867-1941), for solving the problem of hookworm disease. 

— Alice Hamilton (1869-1970), for work in industrial medicine. 

— Walter B. Cannon (1871-1945), for studies of the autonomic nervous system. 

— Eugene L. Opie (1873-1971), for contributions to the pathology of diabetes mellitus and 

— Florence R. Sabin (1871-1953), for research in neuroanatomy and embryology. 

— Joseph Goldberger (1874-1929), for demonstrating the role of dietary deficiency in pellagra. 

— Oswald T. Avery (1877-1955), for work with the transforming factor in pneumococci-DNA. 

Michael M. Davis (1879-1971), for efforts to improve health care delivery. 

Donald D. Van Slyke (1883-1971), for studies on acid-base balance and the gas and electrolyte 
equilibria in the blood. 

Paul R. Hawley (1891-1964) and Paul B. Magnuson (1884-1968), for improving medical care for 

Richard H. Shryock (1893-1927), for studies in the social history of medicine. 
Alfred Blalock (1899-1964), for work on shock and contributions to cardiac surgery. 
Percy L. Julian (1899-1975), for work in steroid chemistry. 

Charles R. Drew (1904-1950), for studies on blood plasma and blood preservation. 
John H. Gibbon (1904-1973), for developing the heart-lung machine. 

Silas Weir Mitchell 
(1829-1914), shown 
in his clinic at the 
Infirmary for Nervous 
Disease in Philadelphia. 

Mary Adelaide Nutting 
(1858-1948), leading 
figure in U.S. nursing 

Joseph Goldberger 
(1874-1929), member of 
the U.S. Public Health 
Service who conducted 
innovative experiments 
in the study of pellagra. 

Charles R. Drew (1904- 
1950), leading 
researcher in the study 
of blood plasma and 
blood preservation. 

National Library 

During the past century of outstanding 
progress in medicine and public health, the 
National Library of Medicine has continued 
to play an important role in making new 
knowledge more readily available. 

The Library has descended from a small 
collection of books begun by Surgeon 
General Joseph Lovell about 1818. As the 
years passed, it grew slowly; in 1840 a clerk 
wrote the titles — about 200 altogether — in a 
little notebook that he titled grandly, "A 
catalogue of books in the library of the 
Surgeon General's Office, Washington City." 
The collection continued to expand at a 
modest pace until 1871, when the decision 
was made to develop it into the "National 
Medical Library." This, to the Surgeon 
General and his staff, meant a collection that 
contained every medical book published in 
the United States, and as many as possible of 
all other publications relating to medicine 
and allied sciences. Assistant Surgeon John 
Shaw Billings was given the responsibility for 
carrying out this decision. 

Billings, who had been managing the 
library since 1865, greatly accelerated the 
collecting of all medical publications. He 
sought new and old books, American and 
foreign periodicals, reports of civilian and 
military health organizations, dissertations, 
pamphlets, manuscripts, portraits and prints. 
He purchased from booksellers and 
physicians, exchanged duplicates with 
individuals and with other libraries, and 

Surgeon General Joseph Lovell (1788- 

persuaded physicians, institutions, editors, 
and publishers todonate publications. Within 
a few years Billings had acquired practically 
every issue of every medical journal ever 
published in the United States and Canada, 
and 75 per cent of all medical periodicals ever 
published throughout the world. By 1875 the 
library was already more than twice as large as 
the next largest American medical library. 

With this resource at his command, Billings 
conceived and established medical 
bibliographies of importance to physicians 
throughout the world. In 1879 he founded the 
monthly Index Medicus, published 
commercially under the editorship of his 
colleague Robert Fletcher. In 1880 he brought 
out the first volume of the Index-Catalogue of 
the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, a 
monumental work that made the Library 
internationally famous. For three-quarters of 
a century volumes continued to appear, 61 in 
all, until it was superseded by more rapid 
indexes in the 1960s. 

After Billings retired in 1895, the librarian's 

John Shaw Billings (1838-1913) 

of Medicine 

chair was occupied by a succession of medical 
officers, among them Walter Reed. The 
Library building on the Mall, opened in 1887, 
soon became gorged with material. Within 25 
years librarians were asking for more space, 
but wars, depressions, and priorities kept the 
Library in its increasingly obsolescent 
structure. Finally, in 1956 Congress passed a 
law formally establishing the Library as the 
National Library of Medicine, transferring it 
to the Public Health Service, and providing 
for a new building. In 1962 the Library moved 
from Washington to its new home adjacent to 
the National Institutes of Health. 

Because of the great increase in medical 
publication starting in the late 1940s and the 
demands for faster bibliographic service, the 
Library turned to new technologies in the 
1950s to speed the availability of indexes and 
the transmission of data to users. A partially 
mechanized publications system was 
introduced in 1960 to produce Index 
Medicus, only to be superseded four years 
later by a computerized system named 

Library building on the mall, opened in 

MEDLARS (MEDical Literature Analysis and 
Retrieval System). In the 1970s, using 
MEDLARS and other data bases, the Library 
developed MEDLINE and a number of other 
nationwide on-line bibliographic retrieval 
systems. To speed service to medical 
researchers, educators, and practitioners, the 
Library provided leadership and funding for 
the development of a network of regional 
medical libraries. Congress gave the Library 
authority to bestow grants-in-aid and 
established the Lister Hill National Center for 
Biomedical Communications to apply 
advanced technology to the dissemination of 
medical information. 

A century and a half after its birth the 
Library has grown from a few books on the 
shelf of a room in Washington to a collection 
of more than a million publications, the 
largest medical library intheworld, operating 
one of the world's largest bibliographic 
information retrieval systems. Its services are 
known and used throughout the world. 

Below: The National Library of 
Medicine's present building, completed 
in 1962. 

Right: MEDLINE terminal. MEDLINE 
(MEDLARS-On-Line) is the library's 
computerized data base. 

Images of the 



Pictures of physicians, other than formal 
portraits, have tended to fall into one of two 
groups: the kindly "family doctor," or the 

The "family doctor" concept is usually 
visualized as a one-to-one relationship in a 
simple setting between a compassionate 
doctor and a worried but hopeful patient, 
often with family. It has been repeatedly 
impressed on the American consciousness by 
magazine art, such as that of the skillful 
illustrator Norman Rockwell, by advertising, 
and by movies. 

Caricature, on the other hand, has 
traditionally lampooned not only medical 
men but alsoquacksand patients. In America, 
medical caricature has been largely confined 
to magazine and newspaper cartoons. 
Recently it has been appearing in fine prints 
by contemporary American artists and seems 
to express a growing concern with perceived 
depersonalization and increasing costs of 
medical care. As America moves into its third 
century, these views of sensitive observers 
reflect some of the serious social problems 
facing medicine in the years ahead. 

DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 76 -1069